Have you ever dreamed of going to the moon?In July 1969,two American astronauts walked on the moon.Their names were Neil Armstrong and Buzz A1drin.If you visited the moon today,you would Sti11be able to see their footprints!They also left behind the American flag and the little car they drove Called the Lunar Rover.
When the astronauts went to the moon,they needed to wear spacesuits and helmets to protect them,because sometimes the moon is very cold and sometimes it is very hot.The helmets helped them breathe because there is no air on the moon.
Did you know if you weighed 70pounds on the earth.you would weigh only 11.5pounds on the moon?And if you went for a walk on the moon,you would bounce(弹起)with each step.Some people say the moon is made out of Swiss cheese because there are holes,called craters(环形山),on the moon.The craters were caused by large rocks from space,called meteorites(陨石),hitting the moon.Here is another Interesting thing about the moon:Did you know that moon is like a mirror?It reflects(反射)the light of the sun and sends it to the earth and makes the moon look bright and beautiful Don't you agree we have a beautiful moon?
88.What did the astronauts leave on the moon when they walked on it?(不超过13个单词)___
89.Why do astronauts need spacesuits?(不超过10个单词)___
90.If you weighed 70pounds on the earth,how much would you weigh on the moon?(不超过5个单词)