I sold a company in 2012.Everyone was extremely proud of me,but no one knew the exact amount I made.In fact,I only made just over a hundred thousand dollars.I(61)___(hide)the amount on purpose because I was(62)___(use) all the money to buy my parents a house,and I knew that my parents would never allow me to buy them a house with the money from my sale.So with no one (63)___ (know),I used up my money and bought my parents a one-storey house.I did this because they had been living in one of the smallest and oldest two-storey houses in the area(64)___could no longer suit my sick dad who(65)___(increase) used a wheel chair.
Everyone guessed I had made much money and (66)___this was one of many things I bought.In(67)___(real),this was my dream gift.This gift allowed my dad to live(68)___ the rest of his life in dignity.Since then,I (69)___(make) more money.My dad passed away,and my mom lives in that house now,full of great memory.We look back with great joy on those last few years with my dad,and I'm glad I could make him as (70)___(comfort) as possible.