Patrick Johnsonuff0can artist for the Washington Postuff0cfound some treasure in his new houseu4e00u4e0035uff0c000dollars in a place where no one could see ituff0eAlthough he had car and house paymentsuff08u8d37u6b3euff09in hisheaduff0che still decided to return all of the money to the previousuff08u5148u524du7684uff09owner of the houseuff0cMruff0eWilliamsuff0eWould you have done the sameuff1f
Just hours after he had bought the houseuff0cPatrick came into the small houseuff0cwhere he was planningto lay out his tools and hang things upuff0eHe looked up and noticed a little hole in the walluff0eHe didn't knowwhat it was insideuff0cso he walked towards the walluff0eIt was very dark insideuff0cbut an old box caught his eyeuff0e
u201cI caught the thinguff0cit was heavyuff0eI thought it might be some pieces of wooduff0cu201dhe saiduff0eActually it wasnotuff0eIt was filled with lots of dollar billsuff0eBut he and his wife knew they had to return the money toMruff0eWilliamsuff0e
u201cI've got two boys and we teach them to be honest and to do what is rightuff0eI knew this was ateachable moment that I would never get back againuff0eu201dPatrick said to his wifeuff0eu201cSo I thought we would dosomething honest with ituff0eIt's been a great thing for us and our kidsuff0eu201d
""questionList":{"1":{"type":1"title":"Patrick decided to return the money to___uff0e""answer":"u7531Althoughhehadcarandhousepaymentsuff08u8d37u6b3euff09inhisheaduff0chestilldecidedtoreturnallofthemoneytothepreviousuff08u5148u524du7684uff09ownerofthehouseuff0cMruff0eWilliamsu53efu77e5u4ed6u51b3u5b9au628au6240u6709u7684u94b1u8fd8u7ed9Mruff0eWilliamsuff0cu6545u9009uff1aDuff0e""options":{"A":"his wife ""B":"the bank ""C":"their sons ""D":"Mruff0eWilliams"}"choose":"D"}"2":{"type":1"title":"Patrick found the box""answer":"u7531Helookedupandnoticedalittleholeinthewalluff0eHedidn'tknowwhatitwasinsideuff0csohewalkedtowardsthewalluff0eItwa