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There have always been a lot of commonly believed but false ideas about being fat and doing exerciseuff0eSome people believe that they can't help putting an weight as they get olderuff0cwhile others hold that if they stop exercisinguff0ctheir muscles will turn into fatuff0eHere are some more myths

Iu2019ll never lose weight--I come from a fat family

Wrong!While we can't change the body type we are born withuff0cwe can't blame our genes for making us fatuff0eThere's plenty of evidence that fatness runs in familiesuff0cand the main reason is that they share the same habit of eating too much and exercise too littleuff0e

I am fat because I burn calories slowly

Wrong!Fatness is not caused by a slow metabolismuff08u65b0u9648u4ee3u8c22uff09uff0eIn factuff0calthough fat people

consume more energy than slim peopleuff0cthey also fail to realize how much they eat]Keeping a diary can help you work out your daily food intake mom accuratelyuff0e

Exercise is boring

Wrong!Anything will become boring if you do it repetitivelyuff0eThe key is to develop a balanced and

varied program that's fun as well as progressiveuff0eIf you enjoy a Sunday walkuff0ctake a different muteuff0e

If you do yogauff0ctry a tai chi classuff0eIf you like swipinguff0cset yourself a distance or time challengeuff0e

No painuff0cno gain

Wrong!Exercise is not meant to hurtuff0eIndeeduff0cpain is you body telling you something's wronguff0cand continuing to exercise could lead to serious injuryuff0eYou may experience mild discomfort as you begin to exercise regularlyuff0cbut this is your body adapting to the positive changes in your lifestyle and the aches should disappear relatively quicklyuff0eIf they don'tuff0crest and seek medical adviceuff0e""questionList":{"1":{"type":1"title":"What does the author think about being fatuff1f___""answer":"u63a8u7406u5224u65adu9898uff0eu4eceu7b2cu4e8cu

  40.D推理判断题.从第二段的最后一句话“…themainreasonisthattheysharethesamehabitsofeatingtoomuchandexercisetoolittle”可知:人们肥胖的主要原因是生活方式的不平衡,表现为吃得太多而运动太少.故答案选D.   41.A 细节理解题.从第四段“Thekeyistodevelopabalancedandvariedprogramthat’sfunaswellasprogressive.”可知:多样化的运动可使运动变得有趣.故答案选A.      42.B推理判断题.根据文章最后一段的“painisyourbodytellingyousomethingiswrong,andcontinuingtoexercisecouldleadtoseriousinjury.”可知如果我们的身体感觉疼痛就说明有了问题我们就应该停止锻炼,否则就会受伤了.故答案选B.     43.B主旨大意题.从第一段第一句话“Therehavealwaysbeenalotofcommonlybelievedbutfalseideasaboutbeingfatanddoingexercise.”可知:作者写作本文是为了澄清人们关于肥胖和运动的认识误区.故答案选B.
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