一、层次安排 1. 破题:用一句话点破标题目的要义; 2. 正文:逐步写出论题的论据或叙事的过程; 3. 点题:用简要的话归纳文章中心意思;二、写作步骤 1. 审题:比如今天有一位网友提出men and women, who are better parent这么一个作文题目,经过审题,明确该题的题眼是better parent; 2. 罗列比较要点并用比较简单的句子草拟要点; a) Advantage and disadvantage of a man/father. i. A man is a father. He is sure to love his child but he likes to play a role of father. ii. A father does not pay too much attention to his child’s trifle matters. He is always careless about what his child wants or needs in everyday life. iii. He is always strict with his child. He is sometimes rude to him or her. b) Advantage and disadvantage of a woman/mother. i. Mother is careful. She is concerned about the bite and sup, wearing apparel and daily life of his child. ii. She is more womanishly fussy about everything unimportant than a father. c) Child’s opinion i. He or she likes Father’s magnanimous but hates his rudeness. ii. He or she likes to be shown every possible consideration from Mother but dislike her gossip. iii. A child prefers to be free to arrange his or her hours to do things rather than be fulsomely controlled and taught. 3. 把部分要点句按照逻辑关系改变为符合语法的复杂句 i. 使用关联词,如: □ 用on the one hand…, on the other hand…, in their child’s opinion (一方面,另一方面,在子女看来)连接三个层次; □ 用后面的连接手段把每个层次有机地组织起来:firstly, besides, moreover; to begin with, then, the most important或者instead of (不是…而是), while (与此同时), therefore (因此) ii. 把部分句子改写为复杂句, □ 使用because, when, although, so that, if等 □ 用不定式、分词或动名词改写。 4. 加上开头破题和结尾点题。
