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高考英语表格式书面表达的写作指导表格式书面表达是近年高考常选的命题方式之一,而且,所用体裁也相对稳定,以记叙文、应用文、说明文为主;题材多种多样,有书信、日记、介绍、通知等,多数情况下,在提示中明确规定了用何种格式。所以,考生只需根据表格里的提示内容,确定所要表达的要点,最后运用自己所掌握的句型和词语知识,写出一篇要点全、语句通、条理清、表达明、思路活、书写正的短文。同学们在具体操作时应注意以下两点:一是要谋好篇,布好局即在动笔前,一定要根据表格里的提示内容,先确定好所要表达文章的题材,然后根据题材确定好文章的整体结构,先写什么,后写什么,略写什么,详写什么,甚至要用到哪些句型和短语,都要做到成竹在胸。二是要充分根据表格内容确定要点因为书面表达最重要的评分依据就是内容要点要全,如果遗漏一个要点,至少要扣3分。因此,同学们在认真审题、弄清体裁、题材、题意的基础上,应逐个地、完整无缺地把表格中的内容要点找出来,然后再根据不同体裁把要表达的要点表达出来。如果是记叙文,六个要点缺一不可,即人物、时间、地点、事件、原因和结果。在这六个要素中,人物、时间、地点通常放在文章的开头;事件、原因通常放在文章的中间,它们是文章的主体;结果作为故事的结局通常放在文章的最后。如果是应用文,首先是注意它的格式,因为格式错误,要扣2分;然后把要解说的事物的性质、对象、目的、发生的时间和地点等解释清楚,使读者对此事物有一个完整准确的了解。写作的具体技巧,同学们可参考要点式书面表达的写作方法。◎实例操作根据下面图表以“How People Spent Their Holidays”为题,写一篇词数为110左右的短文。19901999Traveling abroad 12%24%Going to seaside 38%31%Camping10%36%Staying at home40%9%Total100%100%注意:1. 题目已给出,不需另拟;2. 为连贯,可适当发挥;3. 词数:100词左右。参考词汇:对照contrast;显著的remarkable;征服conquer Changes in the Ways People Spend Their Holidays [1][2]下一页 说明:引用此文请注明出处,并请保留该文章链接地址,谢谢~~【参考答案一】The ways people spent their holidays changed a great deal in the 1990s. In 1990, 40% of the people spent their holidays at home, the number dropping to 9% in 1999. The table also shows that a great number of people spent their holidays traveling abroad. Compared with 12% in 1990, the rate in 1999(24%) is doubled.There are two other remarkable tendencies shown in the table: One is the rate of going to the seaside remained nearly the same, and the other is the rate of camping which has risen from 10% in 1990 to 36% in 1999—increased by more than three times. The reason may be that the true nature of the earth attracts people very much, and they want to conquer the nature and discover the real world around them.【参考答案二】The ways people spent their holidays had changed a lot in the 1990s. The most remarkable change was that 40% of the people chose to stay at home in 1990, but in 1999 only 9%. People seemed to have more money and time to control.In 1990, 12% of the people spent their holidays traveling abroad, but the rate in 1999 was doubled. Because people now are richer and the traffic is more convenient. The seaside, for whose beautiful view, is still attractive to people. The rates in 1990 and 1999 were nearly the same. Another remarkable change was that people liked going camping more often than before. Maybe they thought that conquering the nature was the real life of human.In a word, through contrasting all the rates between 1990 and 1999, we can see that people now pay more and more attention to enjoying the life.上一页[1][2] 说明:引用此文请注明出处,并请保留该文章链接地址,谢谢~~
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