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Some people say extreme(极限)sports are dangerous-and they're probably right-but hey,if you're not afraid of getting hurt,You might as well do it with style!It is reported that regular sports are not completely safer than extreme ones.Here is an introduction to three new extreme sports.


South Africa and Jacksonville,Florida,USA are the two homes of ostrich racing.Why do some guys like to attend this extreme sport?The show is that sometimes four or even ten ostriches are marching forward and at a time,and this is seriously strange.For the supporters,there's a chance to ride an ostrich.Although if you don't want to be bitten or kicked,you can use carts(木车)like ostriches for racing instead.

•BASE Jumping

BASE represents several words-Buildings,Spans,Earth Spans means bridges and Earth means cliffs(悬崖),but then the beauty of BASE jumping is that it's just launching(发射)yourself from anywhere possible with a parachute(降落伞)ready to go.

Although BASE jumping dates back to 1978,it has been popular quite a lot recently because there are pieces of videos on the Internet and every jump is a new possibility.

•Bird Man Suits

The bird man suit has a few names-the flying squirrel suit

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